In another example of my dreams becoming reality, Gawker reports that the newest dance craze in Brazil involves women slamming their asses into guy's faces.
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How in the world do you make that happen on a "dance floor" :D
I think she broke his nose, too!
Oddly hot post. I think you're making a converter out of me. Haha!
I'm from Brazil, and I can say that is the truth.
Search for "surra de bunda" on youtube and rejoice.
These are truly magical days to be a guy with a face, who just happens to like it when females slam their asses into his face.
So, er, if you women are out there. Call me.
pshaw! they stole my idea. I've been doing that since 11th grade.
I saw this on Tosh.0. I knew you would love it.
Thank you. One more reason to visit Brazil.
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